May 1, 2017 - Ekonomys xPand rev.2 * Error messages fixes March 18, 2018 - Ekonomys xPand rev.1 * 0000552: [Feature] Dynamically sort/pagination (Data tables) * 0000555: [Feature] Responsive view bootstrap fixes * 0000554: [Feature] Font awesome replacement of image icons in views * 0000556: [Feature] NEW Yahoo Finance data source - replacing discontinued Yahoo Finance data stream * 0000553: [Feature] FinViz charts replacement for missing Yahoo images * 0000557: [Feature] Abstraction layer for alternate data source capabilities June 20, 2016 - Ekonomys 9.6.0 * 0000553: [Feature] Google charts replacement for missing Yahoo images * 0000554: [Feature] font awesome replacement of image icons in views * 0000555: [Feature] Responsive view bootstrap fixes * 0000552: [Feature] Dynamically sort/pagination (Data tables) (tecrif) May 9, 2016 - Ekonomys 9 rev.5 * [Feature] Joomla 3 compatibility/deprecation changes * [Feature] JED Checker fixes October 20, 2016 - Ekonomys 9 rev.4 * [Bug] Yahoo Finance data stream fixes/data not displayed November 25, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.3 * 0000496: [Bug] Incorrect SEF links for modules' symbols * 0000495: [Bug] Backend data input fixes/javascript frontend errors * 0000494: [Feature] JQuery/Bootstrap mouse-over image display October 14, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.2 * 0000491: [Feature] News and Currencies combo issues * 0000489: [Feature] Ekonomys News module Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues * 0000490: [Bug] Ekonomys News module using multiple intances in Joomla 3 * 0000488: [Bug] Futures table layout fixes * 0000487: [Bug] Currencies: missing linking and naming details from component * 0000486: [Bug] Futures: ticker data/display errors * 0000485: [Bug] Quotes: Scroll buttons shown when behavior is set to Automatic * 0000483: [Bug] Futures chart on mouse over not shown * 0000482: [Bug] Futures Access Denied (when Symbol link is set to Link to details page from Ekonomys component) * 0000481: [Bug] Search bot Joomla 3.4 compatibility fixes * 0000480: [Bug] Search bot error * 0000479: [Bug] Quotes multiple instance not functioning * 0000478: [Bug] Search module missing constant * 0000477: [Feature] Missing demo data on component installation * 0000476: [General] Fix categories count in statistics * 0000475: [Feature] Add method upgrade for installation packages * 0000463: [Bug] Missing information when 'Display change variation images in category view:'=No (disabled from backend) September 24, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.1 * 0000474: [Feature] Joomla 3.4.4 compatibility issues; PHP notices and warnings * 0000454: [General] Ekonomys component optimization- cURL data access * 0000473: [Feature] Ekonomys Quotes minichart - dynamic language selection * 0000472: [Bug] Unique auto-ID fix for Ekonomys Search module * 0000471: [Feature] Venezuelan Bolivar symbol fix (VEF) * 0000470: [Feature] French language encoding issues * 0000469: [Bug] Alternative/regional servers missing images * 0000466: [Bug] Ekonomys plugin BOM chars breaking some template layout * 0000468: [Feature] News language detection/sync with Joomla's language * 0000464: [Bug] No data - Alternate Yahoo! Finance Data Server May 14, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.0 * 0000461: cURL replacement for data streams content loading (disabled allow_url_fopen errors) * 0000460: Date/time - timezone configurable option for module information * 0000458: Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues * 0000454: Ekonomys code optimization * 0000459: File fixes (EOL Unix format) * 0000455: Use of Joomla's jQuery JavaScript Framework * 0000456: Tickers not starting when disabling start/stop buttons * 0000453: End of Joomla 2.5 support May, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.5 * 0000441: [Bug] Details page/portfolio data source problem March 03, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.4 * 0000427: [Bug] News stream not fetching data February 08, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.3 * 0000423: [Bug] Yahoo data stream headers not stripped * 0000424: [Bug] Ekonomys Currencies javascript error December 29, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.2 * 0000417: [Feature] Modules jQuery code optimization * 0000416: [Bug] Modules jQuery no conflict fix * 0000415: [Bug] Joomla 3.2 legacy JApplication changes * 0000397: [Bug] Modules Joomla 3 not showing data April 26, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.1 * 0000392: [Bug] Joomla 3 jQuery conflict - Quotes, Futures and Currencies April 3, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.0 * NEW ! jQuery endless tickers for Quotes, Futures with auto table/inline layout for static/scroller setup * 0000387: [Feature] Endless jQuery scroller for tickers * 0000388: [Feature] Unique ID removed - automatically using module ID instead December 10, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.3 * 0000350: [Feature] Ekonomys component - Joomla 3 compatibility * 0000351: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show/hide Header information * 0000352: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show Header details by the symbol's link - Yahoo Inc (Last Trade: 18.89, Change: 0.00 ....) * 0000355: [Feature] Symbols converted to uppercase and space-trimmed in User Portfolio and backend Symbols Manager forms * 0000354: [Bug ]Missing backend Ekonomys control panel icons in Joomla 2.5.x November 24, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.2 * 0000342: [Feature] Load/speed performance optimization * 0000345: [Feature] Ticker trend parameter - image display * 0000343: [Feature] PHP Strict standards notices * 0000344: [Bug] Data stream parse errors November 20, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.1 * 0000334: [Feature] London Stock Exchange portfolio holdings adjustment (pences to pounds) * 0000335: [Bug] Category news display not following backend setup November 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.0 * 0000327: Ekonomys News - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000326: Ekonomys Currencies - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000325: Ekonomys Futures - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000324: Ekonomys Quotes - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000323: Cache storage changes & optimization * 0000321: Symbol details 404 error * 0000322: Italian language file encoding * 0000281: Historical prices table headings problem November 05, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.10 * 0000318: Incorrect data - stream parser * 0000320: Incorrect versioning information shown in Ekonomys Control Panel * 0000315: Cached news filename too long (trimmed to 64 chars) * 0000319: Trim spaces from symbol/company name August 01, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.9 * 0000282: Ekonomys Futures fatal error (multiple instances in the page) May 21, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.8 * 0000280: Ekonomys News module with Yahoo Finance regional data sources May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7 * 0000277: Futures Symbols - Delivery Months for commodities (Grains & Soy, Meats, Softs & Fibers, Currencies, Indices, Interest Rates) March 08, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.5 * 0000259: No news - PHP warning display in frontend * 0000227: Language detection issue (language file renaming) * 0000258: Drop WISroYQ data structures upgrade routine February 17, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.4 * 0000246: [Feature] Add news to Technical Analysis/Historical Prices * 0000238: [Feature] Limit the number of news stories displayed * 0000245: First installation SQLs omission February 06, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.3 * 0000236: [Feature] Joomla 2.5 compatibility * 0000237: [Feature] Update routines extensive queries October 25, 2011 - Ekonomys 6 rev.2 * 0000225: Quotes missing variation images * 0000226: Spanish language inclusion error October 06, 2011 - Ekonomys 6 rev.1 * 0000224: 404 errors on symbol details/technical/historical prices links * 0000223: Portfolio 404 error - wrong login redirection link on J1.7 August 16, 2011 - Ekonomys 6 rev.0 * fixed: 0000212: Automatically set number of decimals (2..5) for symbol value April 15, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.3 * fixed: 0000180: Dynamic symbol - wrong link to the component February 28, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.1 * fixed: incorrect test mode URL * fixed: incorrect description from component for category display January 24, 2011 - Ekonomys Quotes 5 rev.0 * WISro Yahoo Quotes for Joomla 1.5/1.6 becomes Ekonomys * version for Joomla 1.0 is obsolete * added: last trade date/time * common versioning for all Ekonomys extensions * v.4.0.0 - 2010.12.21 ! Joomla added 1.6 support ! Joomla 1.0 no longer supported * added: file CSS styling * added: mouse over hover styling * dynamic symbol insertion into tickers, with comparison chart update * added to Link parameter: no link, link to yahoo finance details page * added: separate file for version info * comparison chart position - top/bottom of data sets (ticker/table) * v.3.5.4 - 2010.09.11 * added : alternate data server selection (global/UK) * v.3.5.3 - 12.06.2010 * added: backend cross-site load enable/disable from backend * v.3.5.2 - 15.03.2010 * added: test for localhost script accessibility - denied by security settings * v.3.5.1 - 14.03.2010 * added: minichart loading image * added: backend select list for minichart source parameter * fixed: Minichart mouse over call error * fixed: script warning message on first module activation * v.3.5.0 - 10.03.2010 * added: Test Mode - response code for Yahoo data fetching (missing data, 403 Forbidden problems) * added: minichart icon display for symbols * added: minichart offset & container configurable parameters * changed: module subtitle parameter - text area * changed: backend interface adjustments * fixed: DisplayDate parameter not working * fixed: prevent warnings and notices from being displayed * v.3.4.4 - 05.01.2010 * added: display/hide status image (online-refresh) for tickers * added: usage of minichart source for comparison image * fixed: UniqueID added to chart source to allow multiple instance having different chart sources * v.3.4.3 - 09.12.2009 * fixed: server cross script loading detection * v.3.4.2 - 22.11.2009 * added: width as percent for scrolling tickers * v.3.4.1 - 12.11.2009 * added: html encoding for parameters * * v.3.4.0 - 11.11.2009 * added: tests to prevent cross-site script loading * * v.3.3.0 - 14.09.2009 * added: configurable comparison chart * fixed: various bug fixing (J version converted from float to string); removed spaces from TD - encoding problems * fixed: category id null value testing * fixed: backend configuration grouping, text input size * * v.3.2.3 - 26.08.2009 * fixed: incorrect component linking when listing category from WISroYQ component * * v.3.2.2 - 17.08.2009 * fixed: lowercase mainframe class returned on some joomla websites leaded to incorrect version detection * * v.3.2.1 - 30.07.2009 * fixed: top/limited symbols query (Yahoo's 200 limit) * v.3.2.0 - 27.07.2009 * added: use of specified category_id from wWISro Yahoo Quotes component to load symbols list * fixed: IIS local path * fixed: stripping false lines from yahoo query * * v.3.1.7 - 20.07.2009 * fixed: relative path on Joomla 1.5 +/- SEF for images * * v.3.1.6 - 03.05.2009 * added: symbol's link to WISro Yahoo Quotes Component, if installed * fixed: version detection for Joomla 1.5.10 and higher * * v.3.1.5 - 22.04.2009 * fixed: multiple module instance handling - mode 0 usage recommended * * v.3.1.4 - 21.04.2009 * fixed: XHTML validation errors * configurable Loading mode (in place/on load event) * * v.3.1.3 - 10.04.2009 * fixed: IE bug on hiding the powered by label * * v.3.1.2 - 31.03.2009 * fixed: live site image path for Joomla 1.5 * * v.3.1.1 - 19.03.2009 * fixed: live_site for Joomla 1.5 not properly set when site root above document root * * v.3.1.0 - 19.03.2009 * added: optional usage of symbol's description from WISroYahooQuotes Component, if installed * * v.3.0.1 17.03.2009 * fixed: fixed IE7 refresh image not displayed on AJAX refresh * * v.3.0.0 16.03.2009 * added: javascript multiple ticker * added: configurable background color, border width and color * added: auto/dual/manual configurable user control over each ticker * dropped multiple module instance due to heavy system loading fr more than one ticker * * v2.1.0 12.03.2009 * added: configurable UniqueID for multiple module instances within a page * v2.0.1 12.03.2009 * fixed: IE7 display and refresh problems