Ekonomys Currencies
As of today, Ekonomys component and Ekonomys Quotes module are available; in the following days, the rest of Ekonomys modules will also be released.
Ekonomys Currencies (WISro Yahoo Currencies)is an AJAX module for Joomla 1.5/2.5/3.x that allows you to manage, configure and display up to 3 tickers containing currencies exchange rates - last trade, bid and ask values from Yahoo Finance to your site; choose and customize the look and functionality, including tickers control and on mouse over chart evolution for each currency. | ||
24.90 €
Last updated: March 03, 2014 ver. 8 rev.4 - see Revision History for details.
April 15, 2013 - version 8 rev.0 is released, featuring new jQuery scroller !
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Browser |
Ekonomies Currencies is a Joomla AJAX module designed to display up to 3 tickers containing the currency exchange rates from Yahoo Finance, with lots of display options: vertical/horizontal, static or scroller - see Configuration tab for details and possible combinations.
April 15, 2013 - version 8 rev.0
- jQuery endless scrolling tickers for Quotes, Currencies, Futures
- automatic table/inline layout according to static/scroller setup
- unique ID removed - automatically using module ID instead
November 14, 2012 - version 7 is released and Joomla 3 compatible !
Version 6 rev.0 - key features:
- Joomla 1.7/2.5 compatibility
- Dynamic set the number of decimals on displayed price/bid/ask values
Version 5 rev.0 - January 2011: WISro Yahoo Currencies ticker becomes Ekonomys Currencies !
- WISro Yahoo Currencies for Joomla 1.5/1.6 becomes Ekonomys Currencies
- version for Joomla 1.0 is obsolete
- CSS file styling
- inline intraday chart
- last trade date/time
- mouse over hover row styling
- Link parameter: no link, link to yahoo finance details page
- separate file for version info
- Ekonomys extensions: common versioning information
September - ver.2.2:
- added configurable linking of exchange rate to WISro Yahoo Quotes Component details page
- added configurable usage of rates' description (instead of the default name from Yahoo) from WISro Yahoo Quotes Component, if installed together with the module
May - new in ver.2.1:
Added selectable Direct/Reverse exchanges rates option for each ticker: the user can select whether to display the rates from reference currency to each listed currency OR reversed - from each listed currency to reference.
For example, If the reference currency is EUR and the list is USD,GBP,CHF, the `Direct` option will display
while the `Reverse` options will list values for
The demo for to/from exchange rates can be found here
General information
April 2009 - What's new in ver.2.0:
- XHTML valid
- configurable dual load mechanism: in place/on load event
- multiple module instance handling
- combined AJAX/cache controlled data and interface refresh
- optional front-end AJAX user-reload button
- replaced standard marquee with JavaScript ticker scrollers
- automatically start/stop buttons on mouse hover/manual/dual mode control, offering the user control over each ticker
- added configurable background color, border width and color, bid/ask text color
- configurable yahoo timeout access
- optional on mouse hover mini-chart display
- optional display of reference currency's country flag
- configurable mini-chart source (alternative regional Yahoo Finance sites)
- optional display of:
- symbol
- mini chart
- value
- ask and/or bid values
- currency's country flag
- configurable scrolling or static information display
- added configurable (optional) usage of symbols' description (instead of the default naming from Yahoo) from WISro Yahoo Quotes Component, if installed together with the module
- configurable cache system to optimize the information display time;
- optional display of:
- current date - Joomla Country Locale compatible;
- ticker names;
- country flag for each currency;
- module subtitle;
- quick configuration of the data display interface by odd/even rows color selection;
- horizontal or vertical ticker display;
- customize and display up to 3 tickers;
- individual ticker configuration:
- ticker name (visible/hidden);
- reference currency for each ticker;
- exchange rate price selections for: Last trade, Bid or Ask;
- ticker content - currencies list, comma separated value;
- individual scroll delay configuration for each of the chosen tickers;
- fast configuration for tickers' size: width and height (pixels and/or percents);
Currencies details
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Last Updated: Sunday, 19 January 2025 07:29