May 2018: We are releasing a new version of Ekonomys products, based on the new Yahoo Finance data streams.
As of today, Ekonomys component and Ekonomys Quotes module are available; in the following days, the rest of Ekonomys modules will also be released.
As of today, Ekonomys component and Ekonomys Quotes module are available; in the following days, the rest of Ekonomys modules will also be released.
Ekonomys (former WISro Yahoo Quotes) is a multilingual component for Joomla 3 that allows you to manage, configure and display Yahoo Finance stock quotes, create technical analisys, list news and the historical prices from Yahoo Finance to your site. Create your own portfolios and track the gain/loss of your holdings. Choose and customize Yahoo's full range of parameters and chart options. The components comes with an AJAX search module and content plugin to insert stock quotes details to Joomla's articles. | ||
Price per Unit (component):
49.90 €
New ! Endless jQuery tickers for Quotes, Futures and Currencies modules
Joomla! | ![]() |
Browser | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Last update on May 9, 2017 - version 9 rev.5, see Revision History for details
Key features:
- component with multilingual interfaces for both backend and frontend
- frontend user portfolios management
- AJAX search module with suggestions list
- search bot for Joomla search integration
- content plugin for traded symbol insertion into articles
- version check at WIS.ro in component''s Control Panel
- display of statistics in Control Panel
- Load/speed performance optimization
- Ticker trend parameter - image display
- PHP Strict standards notices
- London Stock Exchange portfolio holdings adjustment (pences to pounds)
- Ekonomys News - Joomla 3 compatible
- Ekonomys Currencies - Joomla 3 compatible
- Ekonomys Futures - Joomla 3 compatible
- Ekonomys Quotes - Joomla 3 compatible
- Cache storage changes & optimization
- Italian language file encoding
- Historical prices table headings problem
To update the component, simply install the new one - Ekonomys is using the Joomla 3 update system.
Revision History
May 9, 2016 - Ekonomys 9 rev.5 * [Feature] Joomla 3 compatibility/deprecation changes * [Feature] JED Checker fixes October 20, 2016 - Ekonomys 9 rev.4 * [Bug] Yahoo Finance data stream fixes/data not displayed September 24, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.1 * 0000474: [Feature] Joomla 3.4.4 compatibility issues; PHP notices and warnings * 0000454: [General] Ekonomys component optimization- cURL data access * 0000473: [Feature] Ekonomys Quotes minichart - dynamic language selection * 0000472: [Bug] Unique auto-ID fix for Ekonomys Search module * 0000471: [Feature] Venezuelan Bolivar symbol fix (VEF) * 0000470: [Feature] French language encoding issues * 0000469: [Bug] Alternative/regional servers missing images * 0000466: [Bug] Ekonomys plugin BOM chars breaking some template layout * 0000468: [Feature] News language detection/sync with Joomla's language * 0000464: [Bug] No data - Alternate Yahoo! Finance Data Server May 14, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.0 * 0000461: cURL replacement for data streams content loading (disabled allow_url_fopen errors) * 0000460: Date/time - timezone configurable option for module information * 0000458: Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues * 0000454: Ekonomys code optimization * 0000459: File fixes (EOL Unix format) * 0000455: Use of Joomla's jQuery JavaScript Framework * 0000456: Tickers not starting when disabling start/stop buttons * 0000453: End of Joomla 2.5 support May, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.5 * 0000441: [Bug] Details page/portfolio data source problem March 03, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.4 * 0000427: [Bug] News stream not fetching data February 08, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.3 * 0000423: [Bug] Yahoo data stream headers not stripped * 0000424: [Bug] Ekonomys Currencies javascript error December 29, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.2 * 0000417: [Feature] Modules jQuery code optimization * 0000416: [Bug] Modules jQuery no conflict fix * 0000415: [Bug] Joomla 3.2 legacy JApplication changes * 0000397: [Bug] Modules Joomla 3 not showing data April 26, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.1 * 0000392: [Bug] Joomla 3 jQuery conflict - Quotes, Futures and Currencies April 15, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.0 * NEW ! jQuery endless tickers for Quotes, Currencies, Futures with auto table/inline layout for static/scroller setup * 0000387: [Feature] Endless jQuerry scroller for tickers * 0000388: [Feature] Unique ID removed - automatically using module ID instead * 0000389: [Bug] Joomla 3: Error when selecting symbol for menu item December 10, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.3 * 0000350: [Feature] Ekonomys component - Joomla 3 compatibility * 0000351: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show/hide Header information * 0000352: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show Header details by the symbol's link - Yahoo Inc (Last Trade: 18.89, Change: 0.00 ....) * 0000355: [Feature] Symbols converted to uppercase and space-trimmed in User Portfolio and backend Symbols Manager forms * 0000354: [Bug] Missing backend Ekonomys control panel icons in Joomla 2.5.x November 24, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.2 * 0000342: [Feature] Load/speed performance optimization * 0000345: [Feature] Ticker trend parameter - image display * 0000343: [Feature] PHP Strict standards notices * 0000344: [Bug] Data stream parse errors November 20, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.1 * 0000334: [Feature] London Stock Exchange portfolio holdings adjustment (pences to pounds) * 0000335: [Bug] Category news display not following backend setup November 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.0 * 0000327: Ekonomys News - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000326: Ekonomys Currencies - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000325: Ekonomys Futures - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000324: Ekonomys Quotes - Joomla 3 compatible * 0000323: Cache storage changes & optimization * 0000321: Symbol details 404 error * 0000322: Italian language file encoding * 0000281: Historical prices table headings problem November 05, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.10 * 0000318: [Bug] Incorrect data - stream parser * 0000320: [Bug] Incorrect versioning information shown in Ekonomys Control Panel * 0000315: [Bug] Cached news filename too long (trimmed to 64 chars) * 0000319: [Bug] Trim spaces from symbol/company name August 01, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.9 * 0000282: Ekonomys Futures fatal error (multiple instances in the page) May 21, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.8 * 0000280: Ekonomys News module with Yahoo Finance regional data sources May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7 * 0000277: Futures Symbols - Delivery Months for commodities (Grains & Soy, Meats, Softs & Fibers, Currencies, Indices, Interest Rates) March 08, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.5 * 0000259: [Bug] No news - PHP warning display in frontend * 0000227: [Bug] Language detection issue (language file renaming) * 0000258: [Bug] Drop WISroYQ data structures upgrade routine February 17, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.4 * 0000246: [Feature] Add news to Technical Analysis/Historical Prices * 0000238: [Feature] Limit the number of news stories displayed * 0000245: [Bug] First installation SQLs omission February 06, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.3 * 0000236: [Feature] Joomla 2.5 compatibility * 0000237: [Feature] Update routines extensive queries October 25, 2011 - Ekonomys 6 rev.2 * 0000225: Quotes missing variation images * 0000226: Spanish language inclusion error October 06, 2011 - Ekonomys 6 rev.1 * 0000224: 404 errors on symbol details/technical/historical prices links * 0000223: Portfolio 404 error - wrong login redirection link on J1.7 August 16, 2011 - Ekonomys 6 rev.0 * 0000208: News RSS feed listing on symbol & category pages (optional display) * 0000209: Configurable heading information for symbol * 0000210: Joomla 1.7 compatibility * 0000211: CSS styling * 0000212: Automatically set number of decimals (2..5) for symbol value (Quotes/Futures) * 0000213: Automatically set number of decimals (2..5) for trade/bid/ask values (Currencies) June 29, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.7 * 0000203: [Bug] Search module problems (use component link, suggest results). June 07, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.6 * 0000197: [Feature] Technical analysis & historical prices page titles. * 0000196: [Feature] `Manage portfolio` link in symbol pages. * 0000195: [Bug] Dow Jones (^DJI) information not displayed, using INDU instead. May 24, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.5 * 0000194: [Bug] Missing alias information on categories/symbols list. * 0000193: [Bug] Multiple symbols upload not working on Joomla 1.6. May 14, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.4 * 0000188: [Feature] Add to portfolio/Manage portfolio in symbol details page. * 0000186: [Feature] Alias/SEF Routing. * 0000187: [Feature] Meta tags management capabilities. * 0000191: [Bug] User Portfolio throws 404 error on Joomla 1.6. April 15, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.3 * fixed: Futures fatal error - undefined method HTMLEkonomysFuturesModule::get_symbol_id() * fixed: 0000183: [Bug] Portfolio symbol length issue March 22, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.2 * fixed: Futures module Joomla version detection error February 28, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.1 * fixed: configuration status for content plugin and search module * fixed: CSS missing images for Ekonomys Quotes and Ekonomys Search * fixed: 404 error in Ekonomys Quotes test mode - incorrect test URL January 24, 2011 - Ekonomys 5 rev.0 * WISro Yahoo Quotes for Joomla 1.5/1.6 becomes Ekonomys * added: version check in Control Panel * added: statistics in Control Panel October, 2010 - 4.3.5 * added: bulgarian language translation * fixed: german language file error September 11, 2010 - 4.3.4 * added: optional symbol parameter in frontend details page * added: alternate configurable UK data server * fixed: trimming of category description (select dropdown text from menu link to Ekonomys Category) August 07, 2010 - 4.3.3 * added: display shared portfolio icon for owner of portfolio * added: optional display of symbol name in portfolio details * fixed: save portfolio - query table prefix error - default portfolio bug * fixed: do not display collected symbols portfolio category in frontend July 29, 2010 - 4.3.2 * fixed: shared portfolio missing edit links for owner * added: disable/enable HTML detailed description for portfolio from configuration July 27, 2010 - 4.3.1 * fixed: blank symbol added in frontend on symbol form when Cancel button is pressed * fixed: portfolios collected symbols category duplication July 23, 2010 - 4.3.0 * added: Users shared portfolios * fixed: Category not displayed in backend after symbol-collect changes (4.2.0) * fixed: Duplicate symbols added from backend (lead to multiple symbol addition from category to portfolio) * fixed: Missing portfolio image July 17, 2010 - 4.2.1 * fixed: add portfolio & symbol not working when SEF enabled July 14, 2010 - 4.2.0 * added: display details for symbols added by users to portfolios, if not already added to a category May 26, 2010 - 4.1.0 * added: Italian language interface translation * fixed: missing Spanish & German translations April 12, 2010 - 4.0.1 * added: minichart configurable offsets * added: minichart loading image * fixed: file inclusion vulnerability March 1, 2010 - 4.0.0 * added: frontend user portfolio & symbols management * added: portfolio advanced display information configurable from backend * added: H1 tag for category title * added: chart icon display style: Dynamic (Yahoo`s minichart image) or Static (component`s chart icon) * fixed: various images sizes * fixed: default sort value for category (from `symbol` to `name`) * fixed: empty category message * fixed: deprecated errors, notices and warnings December 22, 2009 - 3.4.2 * fixed: missing image for symbol in details page October 26, 2009 - 3.4.1 * added: description field for multiple symbol uploading (symbol|description) * added: content plugin triggering for symbol''s detailed description October 07, 2009 - 3.4.0 * added: optional usage of symbol-link-to-category (from symbol link to specific categ) * added: symbol''s full decription, HTML article September 22, 2009 - 3.3.0 * added: multiple symbols upload to a selected category * fixed: missing link selectors for category and symbol new item menu options September 08, 2009 - 3.2.2 * fixed: `404 Resource not found` displayed when accessing a detail page for a symbol listed to `All categories` August 26, 2009 - 3.2.1 * fixed: backend: no category relationships saving when adding new symbol July 15, 2009 - 3.1.0 * added: AJAX search module for symbols'' quick display * backend module status display in component''s configuration briefing July 2009 - 3.0.1 * fixed update system from 2.0 to 3.0 * fixed default sort set to symbol on existing categories * added optional frontend display of ''powered by'' information June 2009 - 3.0.0 * one-to-many symbol in relation to categories - each symbol can be placed in all, one or several defined categories * categories sort options, including table click-on-header links - back-end configurable default ordering options to display category''s symbols * technical analisys of the symbols * historical prices listings for chosen symbol * automatically version update on old tables * added revision info field * fixed breadcrumbs category display -------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 2009 - 2.0.0 * Ekonomys content plugin - allows the insertion of symmbol''s chart and trading details into content articles * Configurable global/regional servers selection for chart images display: o Global Yahoo! Finance o Germany Yahoo! Finanzen o France Yahoo! Finance o Italia Yahoo! Finanza o Espana Yahoo! Finanza o UK & Ireland Yahoo! Finance * end of Joomla! 1.0 development for WISro Yahoo Quotes component * bug fixing - removed a number of duplicates language constants, PHP notices and warnings -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 2009 - 1.1.0 * manage your own categories and subcategories; * symbols management with custom description; * configurable Cache for fast information display; * mouse over - chart display on symbols category listing; * variation images (positive/null/negative); * category table/symbols detail dual configurable with full set of options - See the Yahoo configuration options tab for the full parameters list; * standard odd/even rows table listing for quick customization of the look * custom Yahoo chart configuration for symbol details page: o Custom chart time frame: 1 day/5 days/3 months/6 months/1 year/2 years/5 years/max years o Custom chart scale: - Logarithmic - Linear o Custom chart size: - Small (350x275) - Medium (512x288) - Large (800x475) o Custom chart type: - Bar chart - Line chart - Candle chart o Custom chart bottom mini-chart content: - Volume - Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) [slow period]-[fast perMioAdC]-[Dsig period] - Money Flow Index (MFI) [period] - Rate Of Change (ROC) [period] - Relative Strength Index (RSI) [period] - Slow Stochastic - Fast Stochastic - Volume Moving Avg - Williams %R [period] (period=days) o Custom chart overlay info: - Show Splits - show Dividends - Bollinger bands - Parabolic SAR - Simple Moving Averages - Exponential Moving Averages
Configuration options
Category listing and symbols'' detail page distinct configurable values - each one may be displayed or not, as configured in the back-end:
- Ask
- Bid
- Book Value
- Change
- Trade Date
- EPS Estimate Current Year
- Float Shares
- 52-week Low
- Annualized Gain
- Market Capitalization
- Change From 52-week Low
- Percebt Change From 52-week High
- High Limit
- Change From 200-day Moving Average
- Percent Change From 50-day Moving Average
- Open
- Change in Percent
- Ex-Dividend Date
- Price/EPS Estimate Next Year
- Short Ratio
- Ticker Trend
- Holdings Value
- Day`s Value Change
- Dividend Yield
- Average Daily Volume
- Bid Size
- Commission
- Dividend/Share
- Earnings/Share
- EPS Estimate Next Year
- Day`s Low
- 52-week High
- Holdings Gain
- More Info
- Percent Change From 52-week Low
- Last Trade Size
- Last Trade (With Time)
- Low Limit
- 50-day Moving Average
- Percent Change From 200-day Moving Average
- Previous Close
- Price/Sales
- P/E Ratio
- PEG Ratio
- Last Trade Time
- 1 yr Target Price
- Ask Size
- Change & Percent Change
- Last Trade Date
- Error Indication (returned for symbol changed / invalid)
- EPS Estimate Next Quarter
- Day`s High
- Holdings Gain Percent
- Change From 52-week High
- Last Trade (Price Only)
- Day`s Range
- 200-day Moving Average
- Change From 50-day Moving Average
- Notes
- Price Paid
- Price/Book
- Dividend Pay Date
- Price/EPS Estimate Current Year
- Shares Owned
- Trade Links
- Volume
- 52-week Range
- Stock Exchange
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Last Updated: Sunday, 09 February 2025 12:05