November 06, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1 - revision history
* 0000410: [Feature] jQuery no conflict fix
* 0000409: [GIS] Google Maps v3 - map types JS error
* 0000408: [Interface] Error messages for missing API keys not visible on Joomla 3
* 0000407: [Bug] Fatal error: Class 'JElement' not found
* 0000396: [Bug] Incorrect version info in backend - 4 alpha instead of 4 rev.0
* 0000404: [Bug] Fix gray map - faulty load internal load of extensions
* 0000406: [Bug] Strict standards and notices fixes
* 0000405: [Bug] Yahoo script incorrect path
April 30, 2013: WISroGIS Webris 4 is launched, Joomla 3 compatible !
April 30, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.0
* 0000341: [Feature] WISroGIS - Joomla 3 compatibility
* 0000299: [Feature] Map data loading animation
* 0000364: [Feature] Maps & Layers Manager: search filter applied also to entries description
* 0000365: [Feature] Map and Layers checkin button
* 0000347: [GIS] Zoom in the map to cluster elements when clicking a cluster
* 0000265: [GIS] Overview map usage note (OpenStreetMap layer required)
* 0000340: [General] PHP Strict standards
* 0000393: [Interface] CSS image size issues (backend Google Map positioning) on J3 admin template
* 0000362: [Bug] Header strip issues on some servers for scripts loading (map page)
* 0000303: [Bug] Maps ordering by name not functioning in backend (Maps Manager)
* 0000353: [Bug] IE8 - 31-stylesheet limit and VML error ("Invalid Argument" exception)
April 15, 2013 - Revision History
April 15, 2013 - Ekonomys 8 rev.0
* NEW ! jQuery endless tickers for Quotes, Currencies, Futures with auto table/inline layout for static/scroller setup
* 0000387: [Feature] Endless jQuerry scroller for tickers
* 0000388: [Feature] Unique ID removed - automatically using module ID instead
* 0000389: [Bug] Joomla 3: Error when selecting symbol for menu item
December 10, 2012 - Revision History
December 10, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.3
* 0000350: [Feature] Ekonomys component - Joomla 3 compatibility
* 0000351: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show/hide Header information
* 0000352: [Feature] Ekonomys plugin - Show Header details by the symbol's link - Yahoo Inc (Last Trade: 18.89, Change: 0.00 ....)
* 0000355: [Feature] Symbols converted to uppercase and space-trimmed in User Portfolio and backend Symbols Manager forms
* 0000354: [Bug] Missing backend Ekonomys control panel icons in Joomla 2.5.x
November 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 7 rev.0 - Revision History
* 0000327: Ekonomys News - Joomla 3 compatible
* 0000326: Ekonomys Currencies - Joomla 3 compatible
* 0000325: Ekonomys Futures - Joomla 3 compatible
* 0000324: Ekonomys Quotes - Joomla 3 compatible
* 0000323: Cache storage changes & optimization
* 0000321: Symbol details 404 error
* 0000322: Italian language file encoding
* 0000281: Historical prices table headings problem
Ekonomys Power Pack (former WISro Yahoo Finance Power Pack) is a package that contains all Ekonomys extensions for Joomla.
Please read the full article to see the features and comparison matrix for the Ekonomys extensions.
]]>August 2012: WISroGIS Webris 3.5 is now available !
August 14, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.5 rev.0 - Revision History
* 0000289: [GIS] OpenLayers 2.12 core JavaScript upgrade
* 0000298: [Feature] Set title, description and keywords (list of layers) tags for map pages
* 0000286: [Feature] GPX tracks style note (lines not visible with default symbolizer line)
* 0000288: [GIS] Zoomify layer not showing data
* 0000302: [GIS] Google 3D Map not functioning
* 0000297: [GIS] Added keyboard control for the map (enabled from map's configuration)
* 0000285: [GIS] Layer Switcher (map legend) external option in map configuration
* 0000291: [GIS] VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12
* 0000293: [GIS] Removed Bing (Virtual Earth) API Version from configuration
* 0000292: [GIS] Added Bing API Key. !!! Existing Bing layers (including samples) need to be edited and saved in backend to function properly
* 0000294: [GIS] Removed Bing Shaded layer from sample data
* 0000301: [GIS] Area measurement errors (geodesic option not checked by default)
* 0000283: [Interface] Lightbox problems on Joomla 2.5
* 0000296: [Interface] Fixed top-right corner bubble image
* 0000284: [Interface] Spanish language - plugin missing labels translations
* 0000290: [Interface] MouseToolbar changed to NavToolbar in OpenLayers 2.12
* 0000287: [Bug] Single quote encoding in placemarks description
May 14, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.7
* 0000277: Futures Symbols - Delivery Months for commodities (Grains & Soy, Meats, Softs & Fibers, Currencies, Indices, Interest Rates)
March 08, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.5
* 0000259: [Bug] No news - PHP warning display in frontend
* 0000227: [Bug] Language detection issue (language file renaming)
* 0000258: [Bug] Drop WISroYQ data structures upgrade routine
February 17, 2012 - Ekonomys 6 rev.4
* 0000246: [Feature] Add news to Technical Analysis/Historical Prices
* 0000238: [Feature] Limit the number of news stories displayed
* 0000245: [Bug] First installation SQLs omission
The commodities can be added directly in the Ekonomys Futures tickers using their listed symbols (see full article); there is no need to add the delivery month/year as these are automatically computed using the ticker's time offset (next available month will be shown by default).
See here to see the demo tickers for the newly added Futures symbols. Read full article to view the list of futures
]]>Thank you, Massimo, for your hard work !