Ekonomys Quotes: Quick Start. Using the software
Enabling Ekonomys Quotes module
Go to Module Manager section (Joomla menu option Extensions » Module Manager). Locate Ekonomys Quotes module and publish (enable) it.
Start using Ekonomys Quotes
The default settings of the ticker will display 2 sample datasets as horizontal scroller.
To display a list of symbols instead of the scrolling information, one need to set – in the Ticker Options section of the configuration:
Display Style to Static
Ticker Orientation to Vertical
The result can be used on a side-column (left, right or such) to offer the user an extensive of quotes and information.
Testing Ekonomys Quotes functionality
If the module is not showing the sample data, please check if Ekonomys Quotes module is published and set to a visible position for the test page
If there are errors or the data is not shown on the tickers, please enable the Test Mode for the module from Advanced Options section
If any of the local server or Yahoo data server connections are displaying errors, please follow the given link and contact your server admin to check the security settings of the server – PHP configuration and/or firewalls may restrict the AJAX scripts execution (local server test) or Yahoo data fetching (Yahoo data server test).
Usually, more details about the errors can be found by looking at your server access log.
Note: When Test Mode is enabled the cache is not used. The test mode may slow down your site and, unless error occurs, there is no reason why the test mode should be left ON.
Locate Ekonomys Quotes module and publish (enable) it
Default layout: 2 sample datasets as horizontal scroller
Ekonomys Quotes Configuration: Tickers Options
Ekonomys Tickers Configured as Static & Vertical
Ekonomys datasets with Test Mode enabled