WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.6 release
WISroGIS Power Pack
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WISroGIS Power Pack
WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.6
* 0000501: [Interface] Broken link (404 resource not found) when using map menu link
WISroGIS Power Pack |
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WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.6
* 0000501: [Interface] Broken link (404 resource not found) when using map menu link
January 2016: WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.5 released: security update, please update WISroGIS to latest version to avoid security issues.
January 06, 2016 - Revision History
WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.5
* 0000497: [Bug] SQL Injection Vulnerability
* 0000499: [Feature] End of Joomla 2.5/1.5 support
* 0000500: [Feature] Joomla 3 package installer & updater
* 0000450: [Feature] Package installation of extensions
* 0000498: [Interface] jQuery/jQuery UI fixes
* 0000492: [Bug] Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues (add layers to map interface)
Ekonomys 9 tickers released - improved Joomla 3 modules
May 9, 2016 - Ekonomys 9 rev.5
* [Feature] Joomla 3 compatibility/deprecation changes
* [Feature] JED Checker fixes
October 20, 2016 - Ekonomys 9 rev.4
* [Bug] Futures data fetch errors/discontinued data fixes
November 25, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.3
* 0000496: [Bug] Incorrect SEF links for modules' symbols
* 0000495: [Bug] Backend data input fixes/javascript frontend errors * 0000494: [Feature] JQuery/Bootstrap mouse-over image display
October 14, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.2
* 0000491: [Feature] News and Currencies combo issues
* 0000489: [Feature] Ekonomys News module Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues * 0000490: [Bug] Ekonomys News module using multiple intances in Joomla 3 * 0000488: [Bug] Futures table layout fixes * 0000487: [Bug] Currencies: missing linking and naming details from component * 0000486: [Bug] Futures: ticker data/display errors * 0000485: [Bug] Quotes: Scroll buttons shown when behavior is set to Automatic * 0000483: [Bug] Futures chart on mouse over not shown * 0000482: [Bug] Futures Access Denied (when Symbol link is set to Link to details page from Ekonomys component) * 0000481: [Bug] Search bot Joomla 3.4 compatibility fixes * 0000480: [Bug] Search bot error * 0000479: [Bug] Quotes multiple instance not functioning * 0000478: [Bug] Search module missing constant * 0000477: [Feature] Missing demo data on component installation * 0000476: [General] Fix categories count in statistics * 0000475: [Feature] Add method upgrade for installation packages * 0000463: [Bug] Missing information when 'Display change variation images in category view:'=No (disabled from backend)
September 24, 2015 - Ekonomys 9 rev.1
* 0000474: [Feature] Joomla 3.4.4 compatibility issues; PHP notices and warnings
* 0000454: [General] Ekonomys component optimization- cURL data access
* 0000473: [Feature] Ekonomys Quotes minichart - dynamic language selection
* 0000472: [Bug] Unique auto-ID fix for Ekonomys Search module
* 0000471: [Feature] Venezuelan Bolivar symbol fix (VEF)
* 0000470: [Feature] French language encoding issues
* 0000469: [Bug] Alternative/regional servers missing images
* 0000466: [Bug] Ekonomys plugin BOM chars breaking some template layout
* 0000468: [Feature] News language detection/sync with Joomla's language
* 0000464: [Bug] No data - Alternate Yahoo! Finance Data Server
May 14, 2015 - Revision History
* 0000461: cURL replacement for data streams content loading (disabled allow_url_fopen errors)
* 0000460: Date/time - timezone configurable option for module information
* 0000458: Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues
* 0000454: Ekonomys code optimization
* 0000459: File fixes (EOL Unix format)
* 0000455: Use of Joomla's jQuery JavaScript Framework
* 0000456: Tickers not starting when disabling start/stop buttons
* 0000453: End of Joomla 2.5 support
November 2014: WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.4
November 09, 2014 - Revision History
WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.4
* 0000394: [Feature] Searchbot - Joomla 3 compatibility.
* 0000411: [GIS] Overlay layers - map events pass through (e.g. dragging map when over KML elements).
* 0000422: [Interface] Fix Overlay note in Layers Manager edit form.
* 0000448: [Interface] Notices and warnings fixes.
May 2014: Ekonomys 8 rev.5 - data stream bug fixes, please upgrade any previous version 8.x of Ekonomys to 8 rev.5.
May 23, 2014 - Revision History
May 23, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.5
May 23, 2014 - Ekonomys 8 rev.5 * 0000441: [Bug] Details page/portfolio data source problem