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May 2018: We are releasing a new version of Ekonomys products, based on the new Yahoo Finance data streams.
As of today, Ekonomys component and Ekonomys Quotes module are available; in the following days, the rest of Ekonomys modules will also be released.
Let Your Imagination Fly: WISroGIS 4 Webris for Joomla 3: the leading GIS interactive map publishing solution for Joomla! Version 4 offers GIS data publishing and articles geotagging. Enjoy top solutions: placemarks slideshow on map, new routing with multiple waypoints, articles geotagging, fully customizable KML (inclusive ground overlay images) and GPX support, SOBI2 component extension. The Joomla! map component & plugin WISroGIS supports visual map and layers management from Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing, Open Street Maps, Ordnance Survey and WMS servers.
Price per Unit (package):
Order Now
64.90 €

January 06, 2016 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.5: security update

Joomla! 3

WISroGIS 3.0Webris: wise GIS publishing

WISroGIS is an extension designed for Joomla that allows fast integration of common GIS formats to be shown on interactive maps in Joomla! Content Management System.

Its core is based on OpenLayers - a pure JavaScript library for displaying map data in most modern web browsers, with no server-side dependencies.

WISroGIS offers support for most commercial mapping sources, including Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps (former Virtual Earth), OpenStreetMap and more.

Besides these maps, the user can access map data sources through the standard geospatial web services, such as WMS.

The maps can be used – embedded into Joomla articles – to present various locations or overlay any kind of geospatial information – places of interest, business locations.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with Joomla! 3
  • Articles geotagging
  • Easy embedding of your dynamic maps into any page
  • Easy and friendly administration of maps and layers
  • KML and navigation tracks (GPX) support
  • Visual management of points of interest (location markers)
  • Placemarks (icons) styles management
  • Maps & layers samples for Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing (Virtual Earth) and OpenStreeLayers
  • Multilingual support

Please refer to Quick Start guide for a brief introduction to WISroGIS.

Quick configuration and settings to enjoy a simple and efficient map:

  • map size, map overview (bird view),
  • navigation zoom/pan controls, zoom slider,
  • layer attribution and map permalink;
  • interactive layer list (layer switcher);
  • scale and coordinate display;
  • zoom levels and map center coordinates;
  • quick Google API and Yahoo API configuration from Control Panel interface;

Version Key Features

January 06, 2016 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.5

  • Security fix: SQL Injection Vulnerability
  • End of Joomla 2.5/1.5 support
  • Joomla 3 package installer & updater

November 09, 2014 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.4

  • Maps and layers searchbot, Joomla 3 compatible
  • Improved events handling - map events pass through for overlays (e.g. dragging map when over KML elements)
  • PHP Notices and warnings fixes

April 30, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.0

  • Joomla 3 compatibility
  • Map data loading animation
  • Zoom in the map to cluster elements when clicking a cluster
  • Maps & Layers Manager: search filter applied also to entries description
  • Map and Layers checkin button
  • PHP Strict standards

August 2012: WISroGIS 3.5 now released:

  • OpenLayers 2.12 core JavaScript upgrade
  • Set title, description and keywords (list of layers) tags for map pages
  • Added keyboard control for the map (enabled from map's configuration)
  • Layer Switcher (map legend): external option in map configuration
  • VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12
  • Fixed: Area measurement errors (geodesic option not checked by default)
  • Fixed: Lightbox problems on Joomla 2.5

April 2012: WISroGIS 3.4 available now in Italian !

March 2012: version 3.4 of WISroGIS is now released, featuring new core JavaScript library: OpenLayers 2.11

February 2012: WISroGIS Webris 3.3

  • Copy option in Maps and Layers Manager
  • Google API Key not required from ver.3
  • Routing configurable Add to start/stop in bubbles
  • Limit articles number in category/section layers
  • Articles sort order (to be used together with limit number) in category/section layers

February 2012: WISroGIS Webris 3.2

  • Joomla 2.5 compatibility
  • Searchbot - Joomla 1.7/2.5 compatibility
  • Enable/disable placemarks listing below the map
  • Layer visibility on/off on map load
  • Layer show in map legend on/off
  • Layer switcher icons - legend icons
  • Placemarks listing, optional display below the map
  • Extensions configuration - sliding panels

August 2011: WISroGIS Webris 3.1

  • Joomla 1.7 compatibility
  • Placemarks clustering, clustering configuration
  • Enable/disable placemarks listing below the map
  • Layer visibility on/off on map load
  • Layer show in map legend on/off
  • Layer switcher icons - legend icons
  • Placemarks listing, optional display below the map
  • Extensions configuration - sliding panels

April 2010: WISroGIS Webris 3.0 is now Joomla 1.6 compatible !

What's new in version 3.0:

  • Placemarks Slideshow on map
  • jQuery interface for extensions display
  • Nominatim location search - geocoder extension
  • Multiple waypoints for routing
  • Placemarks world travel sample data
  • Country flag styles added to library
  • Slideshow advanced parameters - limit and sort
  • Placemark layers - list markers below map

The top Joomla maps publishing extension just gets better: WISroGIS 2.2 Webris is out of the box !

  • Create your own maps from images with Zoomify layers (historical maps, custom plans - shops, floor plans etc);
  • Article geotagging management allow instant article overlay on maps from your Joomla site (articles from sections and/or categories);
  • Added restricted map extent and min/max resolution options;
  • Configurable map background color and alignment for best appearanc in your articles;
  • Improved HTML map description
  • Search plugin allows to search for maps and/or layers names or description

WISroGIS 2.2 Webris - component & plugin for visual maps and layers management under Joomla CMS.

The new Joomla WISroGIS component brings enhanced GIS map publishing under Joomla:

  • visual maps configurationand layers addition
  • including maps & layers samples: all Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing (Virtual Earth) and OpenStreeLayers
  • over 75 predefined styles (image-marker)
  • visual layers management:
  • Google Maps,
  • Yahoo Maps
  • Bing (Virtual Earth)
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • KML layers - local and remote files
  • GPX (navigation tracks) layers
  • Custom coded layer - WMS, WFS etc
  • placemarks (locations markers) visual management - geo-location from direct input, geocoded address from Google Maps or by direct click on map
  • placemarks categories management
  • styles management - define your own image-markers and assign them to the categories or placemarks

Key features added in version 2.1 - October 2010:

  • Maps of Britain from Ordnance Survey - OpenSpace
  • Add your KML images on the maps as ground overlays
  • Measurement and routing advanced styling using backend Style Manager
  • AJAX search module for placemarks

ver. 2.0 - September 2010

  • maps, layers and styles samples
  • visual maps configuration
  • visual layers management:
    • Google Maps,
    • Yahoo Maps
    • Bing/Virtual Earth
    • OpenStreetMaps
    • KML layers - local and remote files
    • GPX layers
    • Custom coded layer - WMS, WFS etc
  • placemarks management
  • placemarks categories management
  • styles management

Version 1.11 - December, 2009

  • Measurement extension for distances & areas with configurable options:
    • color/line width of measurement tool
    • measurement units: kilometers/miles/nautical miles
  • mootools sliding controls for extensions' interfaces
  • Joomla 1.5 JomSocial layer addition (community/group/user) using location coordinates from automatically Google geocoded address (still beta)
  • Finnish language support file

ver.1.10 - July, 2008

  • Added: Automatically loading of Geo Visitors KML layer (if the plugin is installed) - parameter also available inline visitors='1' (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
  • Updated: Latest OpenLayers engine - release 2.8
  • Updated: Routing extension code to use latest OpenLayers distribution

ver.1.9 - June, 2008

New features:

  • Improved GPX support, including information display from tracks, routes and waypoints
  • Configurable on click/on mouse hover bubble display

New in version 1.8:

  • multi-language support for Weather extension - automatically loads the multilingual Weather KML layer from WISroGIS weather plugin , with day/night icons display according to local time for weather locations, completed with improved look and icons

ver.1.7 - March, 2008

  • Multilingual interface (English, French, German, Spanish) based on site's language - JoomFish compatible, allowing the creation of multilingual maps
  • Dynamic IP positioning based on visitors address and geo-coordinates supplied by api.hostip.info
  • Optional display IP location marker
  • Optional go-to-my-IP-location button
  • Test static IP address
  • Configurable map border color
  • Configurable route color and line

ver.1.6 - February, 2008

Automate your map with layers from SOBI2 component- Sigsiu Online Business Index 2.

Multiple options for directory layers listing:

  • Full directory listing sobi2_task='directory'
  • Individual category listing sobi2_task='category'|sobi2_id='ID'
  • Individual entry listing sobi2_task='item'|sobi2_id='ID'
  • Optional inclusion of the subcategories' content - sobi2_subcategories (1/0)

WISroGIS can be configured to use of SOBI2 back-end configured category's icon.

Please refer to WISroGIS tutorials for more details and automated map integration to SOBI2 directory/category/entry pages.

ver.1.5 - January 05, 2008

  • Routing based on OpenStreetMap Routing Service
  • Sliding routing interface at the bottom of the map
  • Route computation base on user's choice: Fastest/Shortest, Car/Bycicle/Foot options
  • Dual data input system for start and/or stop: map direct click and Openstreetmap Namefinder
  • Download the route result as GPS exchange format (.gpx) file for your navigation system


ver.1.4 - December 08, 2008

  • Configurable proxy for loading external generated layers
  • New interface images
  • OpenLayers engine updated to 2.7 - last stable version
  • Inline dynamic markers:
    marker({dynamic marker parameter list}) { "id":"1", "lat":"45.1233", "lon":"24.4566", "elev":"0", "address":"", "icon":"Test", "desc":"HTML description goes here", }
  • Map enlarging - lighbox support - backend enable and configurable

ver.1.3 - November 24, 2008

  • Reproject Center - inline parameter - if specified, the map's projection will be applied to the specified (lon,lat) coords (e.g. from lon, lat to Google coords);
  • Common base layer configurable via the back-end interface (base layer, common to all plugin instances; it will be displayed if no baseLayer inline was specified);
  • TMS support, backend configurable: TMSscript back-end parameter configuration (for TMS custom javascript function);
  • Enable/disable the pugin's code dynamic suffix (disabling it allows external JavaScript coding);

ver.1.2 - August 26, 2008

Added TMS layer support:

  • TMSscript online param allows inserting of the TMS custom javascript function;
  • for Joomla 1.0.x please see include/joomla.php
    function ampReplace( $text ) - around line 5775
    comment the line
    $text = preg_replace( '|&(?![w]+;)|', '&', $text );

ver.1.1 - August 10, 2008

Added Map24 support:

  • OpenStreetMap support;
  • fast embed Map24 maps;
  • Map24 Application Key configuration from plugin interface;

Revision history

January 06, 2016 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.5
 * 0000497: [Bug] SQL Injection Vulnerability
 * 0000499: [Feature] End of Joomla 2.5/1.5 support
 * 0000500: [Feature] Joomla 3 package installer & updater
 * 0000450: [Feature] Package installation of extensions
 * 0000498: [Interface] jQuery/jQuery UI fixes
 * 0000492: [Bug] Joomla 3.4 compatibility issues (add layers to map interface)

November 09, 2014 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.4
 * 0000394: [Feature] Searchbot - Joomla 3 compatibility.
 * 0000411: [GIS] Overlay layers - map events pass through (e.g. dragging map when over KML elements).
 * 0000422: [Interface] Fix Overlay note in Layers Manager edit form.
 * 0000448: [Interface] Notices and warnings fixes.

January 12, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.3
 * 0000420: [GIS] Placemarks/markers offset not working
 * 0000414: [GIS] IE10 Yahoo layer not shown
 * 0000419: [GIS] OrdnanceSurvey OpenSpace layer not properly projected with other layers on OL 2.12
 * 0000418: [Bug] Incorrect projection (900913) passed to WMS servers when routing is enabled

November 18, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.2
 * 0000413: [Bug] Joomla 3 - component installation error
 * 0000412: [Bug] Joomla 3.2 legacy JApplication changes

November 11, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.1
 * 0000410: [Feature] jQuery no conflict fix
 * 0000409: [GIS] Google Maps v3 - map types JS error
 * 0000408: [Interface] Error messages for missing API keys not visible on Joomla 3
 * 0000407: [Bug] Fatal error: Class 'JElement' not found
 * 0000396: [Bug] Incorrect version info in backend - 4 alpha instead of 4 rev.0
 * 0000404: [Bug] Fix gray map - faulty load internal load of extensions
 * 0000406: [Bug] Strict standards and notices fixes
 * 0000405: [Bug] Yahoo script incorrect path

April 30, 2013 - WISroGIS Webris 4 rev.0
 * 0000341: [Feature] WISroGIS - Joomla 3 compatibility
 * 0000299: [Feature] Map data loading animation
 * 0000364: [Feature] Maps & Layers Manager: search filter applied also to entries description
 * 0000365: [Feature] Map and Layers checkin button
 * 0000347: [GIS] Zoom in the map to cluster elements when clicking a cluster
 * 0000265: [GIS] Overview map usage note (OpenStreetMap layer required)
 * 0000340: [General] PHP Strict standards
 * 0000393: [Interface] CSS image size issues (backend Google Map positioning) on J3 admin template
 * 0000362: [Bug] Header strip issues on some servers for scripts loading (map page)
 * 0000303: [Bug] Maps ordering by name not functioning in backend (Maps Manager)
 * 0000353: [Bug] IE8 - 31-stylesheet limit and VML error ("Invalid Argument" exception)
August 14, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.5 rev.0
 * 0000289: [GIS] OpenLayers 2.12 core JavaScript upgrade
 * 0000298: [Feature] Set title, description and keywords (list of layers) tags for map pages
 * 0000286: [Feature] GPX tracks style note (lines not visible with default symbolizer line)
 * 0000288: [GIS] Zoomify layer not showing data
 * 0000302: [GIS] Google 3D Map not functioning
 * 0000297: [GIS] Added keyboard control for the map (enabled from map's configuration)
 * 0000285: [GIS] Layer Switcher (map legend) external option in map configuration
 * 0000291: [GIS] VirtualEarth layers switched to Bing since OpenLayers 2.12
 * 0000293: [GIS] Removed Bing (Virtual Earth) API Version from configuration
 * 0000292: [GIS] Added Bing API Key. !!! Existing Bing layers (including samples) need to be edited and saved in backend to function properly
 * 0000294: [GIS] Removed Bing Shaded layer from sample data
 * 0000301: [GIS] Area measurement errors (geodesic option not checked by default)
 * 0000283: [Interface] Lightbox problems on Joomla 2.5
 * 0000296: [Interface] Fixed top-right corner bubble image
 * 0000284: [Interface] Spanish language - plugin missing labels translations
 * 0000290: [Interface] MouseToolbar changed to NavToolbar in OpenLayers 2.12 
 * 0000287: [Bug] Single quote encoding in placemarks description

May 16, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.4 rev.4
 *  0000278: [Bug] Placemark geocoding fetch coordinates not working (Google geocoder changes)

May 09, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.4 rev.3
 * 	0000274: [Bug] Placemarks multiple layers not showing 
 * 	0000275: [Bug] Backend articles geocoding fetch coordinates not working (Google geocoder changes) 

April 23, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.4 rev.2
 * 	0000272: [Bug] Installation error - Error SQL DB function failed
April 09, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.4 rev.1
 * 	0000268: [Interface] Italian - Full interface translation

February 28, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.3 rev.0
 * 0000056: [Feature] Add Copy option in Maps and Layers Manager 
 * 0000241: [Feature] Google API Key not required for ver.3 
 * 0000242: [Feature] Routing configurable `Add to start/stop` in bubbles' text 
 * 0000243: [Feature] Add navigate/routing switch in routing interface 
 * 0000249: [Feature] More link target on SOBI2 bubbles 
 * 0000251: [Interface] Disable SOBI2 in map config for Joomla 1.6 and higher 
 * 0000250: [Interface] Google Maps Attribution block positioning 
 * 0000247: [Interface] Backend top options/managers not selected after various ops 
 * 0000215: [Feature] Limit articles number in category/section layers 
 * 0000244: [Feature] Articles sort order (to be used together with limit number) in category/section layers 
 * 0000235: [Bug] SOBI2 unpublished and unapproved entries 
 * 0000240: [Feature] jQuery library load enable/disable option 

February 06, 2012 - WISroGIS Webris 3.2 rev.0
 * 0000230: [General] Joomla 2.5 compatibility
 * 0000176: [Feature] Searchbot - Joomla 1.7/2.5 compatibility
 * 0000234: [Bug] SOBI2 layer bugs
 * 0000233: [Interface] Backend configuration options re-group
 * 0000228: [Interface] Show/Hide Map Title in Single Map Layout
 * 0000231: [Interface] Show/Hide Map Description in Single Map Layout
 * 0000232: [Feature] Update routines extensive queries
 * 0000229: [Bug] Routing permalink not working with waypoints

August 22, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.1 rev.2
 * 0000222: [Bug] If there is no icon related to the layer or the article the map turns grey 
 * 0000221: [Feature] Message for empty placemarks/category/section layer
 * 0000220: [GIS] Visitors extension for Joomla 1.6/1.7
 * 0000219: [GIS] Weather extension for Joomla 1.6/1.7 
 * 0000218: [Bug] Missing icon in Layers Manager 
 * 0000217: [Feature] Placemark listing - added CSS min-height
 * 0000216: [Bug] Map freeze when selecting placemark from a non visible layer

August 08, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.1 rev.1
 * 0000207: Joomla 1.7 compatibility

July 05, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.1 rev.0
 * 0000198: [GIS] Placemarks clustering
 * 0000204: [Feature] Clustering configuration
 * 0000205: [Feature] Enable/disable placemarks listing below the map
 * 0000201: [GIS] Layer visibility on/off on map load
 * 0000202: [GIS] Layer show in map legend on/off
 * 0000199: [GIS] Layer switcher icons
 * 0000175: [Interface] Placemarks listing, optional display below the map
 * 0000174: [Interface] Extensions configuration - sliding panels

June 09, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.0 rev.3
  *** [Bug] fixes for Joomla 1.6.3

May 03, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.0 rev.2
 * 0000185: [Bug] _WISROGIS_PLACEMARK_TITLE missing translation
 * 0000189: [Bug] Geotagged articles layer not displayed - Joomla 1.6

April 14, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.0 rev.1
 * 0000181: [Bug] Routing error - bounds is null
 * 0000182: [Bug] Lightbox error on various Joomla templates - Window.onDomReady is not a function
April 08, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 3.0 rev.0
 * 0000159: [General] Joomla 1.6 compatibility
 * 0000163: [GIS] Placemarks Slideshow on map
 * 0000170: [Feature] jQuery extensions interface
 * 0000063: [Feature] Nominatim location search - geocoder extension
 * 0000033: [Feature] Multiple stops on routing
 * 0000168: [GIS] Placemarks sample data 
 * 0000173: [GIS] Country flag styles
 * 0000164: [Feature] Slideshow advanced parameters (limit and sort) 
 * 0000110: [Feature] Placemark layers markers list
 * 0000042: [Interface] Routing transport types
 * 0000169: [GIS] Routing doesn't work - Namefinder disabled 
 * 0000171: [Bug] IP Positioning not showing marker after updating jQuery interface 
 * 0000165: [Bug] Warnings in map and layer administration
 * 0000166: [Bug] Change the order of maps in the map manager

February 23, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 2.3 rev.1 
 * slideshow

February 22, 2011 - WISroGIS Webris 2.3 rev.0 
 * 0000162: [Feature] Statistics in control panel (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000150: [Feature] Map content (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000153: [Feature] Layer selection filter (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000001: [Feature] Dynamic map centering on load (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000104: [Feature] Visual SOBI2 layers management (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000139: [Interface] Maps manager long descriptions (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000127: [GIS] Zoomify sample historical map (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000157: [Interface] Powered by on lightbox (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000156: [Bug] Weather layer not displayed under IE7/IE8 (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000151: [Bug] Bubble title encoding (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000129: [Bug] Plugin usage generates missing language messages (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000128: [Bug] Layers Management - reseting filter by type (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000119: [Interface] Layer types images (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000124: [Feature] Version upgrade information (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000016: [Feature] SOBI2 icons, images optional display (tecrif) - closed. 

December 11, 2010 - WISroGIS Webris 2.2 rev.1
 * 0000126: [Bug] Checked out maps not showing names (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000125: [Bug] Checked out layers not showing names (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000123: [Bug] Searchbot installation message (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000122: [Bug] Placemarks layers not displayed (tecrif) - resolved.

November 30, 2010 - WISroGIS Webris 2.2 rev.0
 * 0000049: [Interface] Map center - input by click on map (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000094: [Feature] Article geo-tagging (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000112: [Feature] Zoomify layer (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000117: [GIS] Placemarks on top of images (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000045: [Feature] Restricted map extent (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000116: [GIS] Min/max resolution map parameter (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000113: [Interface] Map background color (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000047: [Interface] Map alignment (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000093: [Feature] SOBI2 tasks (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000103: [Feature] SOBI2 multiple IDs (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000096: [Bug] Percentage sizing (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000100: [Feature] HTML map description (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000101: [Feature] Add WISroGIS Webris search plugin (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000091: [GIS] GPX stroke opacity (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000065: [Bug] KML relative path (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000107: IE8 JS error
 * 0000107: [Bug] IE8 JS error (tecrif) - resolved.

October 21, 2010 - WISroGIS Webris 2.1 rev.1
 * 0000091: [GIS] GPX stroke opacity (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000065: [Bug] KML relative path (tecrif) - resolved. Fixed both KML and GPX relative path for local file usage  

October 19, 2010 - WISroGIS Webris 2.1 rev.0

 * 0000083: [GIS] KML Ground Overlay (Image layer) (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000085: [GIS] Default projection (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000082: [Interface] Ordnance Survey attribution block display (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000046: [Feature] Ordnance Survey layer support (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000011: [Plugin Related] Plugin not found/disabled message (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000027: [Feature] Measure style (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000026: [Feature] Routing style (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000077: [Bug] Placemark title with quote error (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000076: [Bug] Placemark center parameters are not used (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000055: [Bug] Placemarkers mouse over vs click not working (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000064: [GIS] London map sample (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000053: [Bug] Geocoder query missing county/state field value (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000052: [Interface] Placemark - county field label (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000051: [Bug] Multiple placemarks categories information display not working (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000044: [Interface] Wrong coordinate order (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000073: [Interface] Weather Configuration - link (tecrif) - closed.
 * 0000074: [GIS] Visitors Configuration - link (tecrif) - closed.

 * added: AJAX search module for placemarks & mapping of search results
 * fixed: Maps Manager - wrong interface label (IP positioning)
 * fixed SOBI2 bubble message 'Click on ....'
 * plugin `component not found` message fixed and continue showing existing map
 * inline parameters override backend settings
 * maps samples/styles images not installed properly
September 01, 2010 - WISroGIS Webris 2.0 rev.0

 * 0000004: [Feature] Measure interface functionality (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000005: [Bug] Routing/Overlay overlapping (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000008: [Feature] Maps atlas listing (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000006: [General] Address display format (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000013: [Feature] Location marker (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000003: [General] Zoom Rectangle/Pan Controls usage on map is unclear (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000002: [Bug] Edit configuration options not showing actual values (tecrif) - resolved.
 * 0000017: [Plugin Related] Multiple placemarks categories (tecrif) - closed.
 * 0000022: [Bug] KML layer not loading (tecrif) - closed.
 * maps & layers samples
 * visual maps configuration 
 * visual layers management:	
		Google Maps,
		Yahoo Maps
		Bing/Virtual Earth
		KML layers - local and remote files
		GPX layers
		Custom coded layer - WMS, WFS etc	
 * placemarks management
 * placemarks categories management
 * styles management

* end of Joomla! 1.0 development for WISroGIS - version 1.11 will still be available for Joomla! 1.0 download

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