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sample maps we
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WISroGIS Quick Start

Setting up WISroGIS global options

  1. Enable WISroGIS plugin
    Go to Plugin Manager section (Joomla menu option Extensions » Plugin Manager). Locate WISroGIS mapping plugin and enable it.
  2. Configure WISroGIS component
    Using main Joomla menu, select Components » WISroGIS to access component’s Control Panel. From WISroGIS component’s Control Panel select Configuration.
    On the configuration screen you should see that WISroGIS plugin is installed (Yes) and published (Yes). If any of these 2 options are set to No, follow the existing link to go and set up the plugin accordingly.
    If Google Maps and/or Yahoo Maps are to be used, Google Maps API Key and Yahoo Application ID are required. You have to edit the configuration and add corresponding keys there by clicking Edit Configuration Button (top-right in  the above Configuration screen).

Start using the sample maps

To display the maps, you can use any of the following options:

  1. Display all defined maps as catalog (atlas)
    To display all backend published maps one need to create a menu link pointing to WISroGIS Default (Atlas) Layout
  2. Display a single map as page content
    A specific map may be published as Joomla content (page) by creating a menu link pointing to WISroGIS Single Map Layout, then selecting the map of interest
  3. Embed a map into an article
    A defined map may be embeded into an existing Joomla article, allowing additional content to be added besides the map. To embed the map, copy-paste the corresponding map's code, as listed in WISroGIS Maps Manager (e.g. {WISroGIS map_id='1' ~} ).
  • To embed the map into the article, both article and map must be published.
  • The map code must be inserted in the article as plain text; copying it from WYSYWYG editors or applying additional formatting to the code may lead the map not being displayed in the article.

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