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Ekonomys Q&A


Ekonoomys is a set of extensions designed for Joomla 1.5/1.7/2.5 that allows seamless integration  of Yahoo Finance data streams into your Joomla! Content Management System.

This set of articles offers a collection of questions and answers for Ekonomys extensions.

The articles list is not extensive and it is continuously updated, so please come back for more information.

How can I use several Ekonomys modules in the same page ?

To create more than one ticker (instance of the module) in the same page, you can duplicate (copy) any of the installed  Ekonomys module(s) - Quotes, Currencies, Futures, Search.

To use several Ekonomys modules in the same page, the following settings must be made to each module:

  1. Each copy of the Quotes/Currencies/Futures/Search module must have assigned a UniqueID parameter (this must be set to 1,2,3 and so on, each instance in the same page having a unique value);
  2. The "Data loading method" parameter (Advanced settings) must be set to 0 - 'in place script' - for all modules.

Ekonomys Quotes ticker, Ekonomys Currencies ticker and/or Ekonomys Futures ticker, as well as the Ekonomys AJAX Search module from Ekonomys Quotes component can be used together in the same Joomla page, with the above settings applied to each module.

Can I insert stock quotes details into articles ?

You can quickly insert symbol trading information to your Joomla articles by using the content plugin available in the Ekonomys extension

Below you can see an usage example of Ekonomys content plugin displaying chart and financial details for Google. The financial details displayed are configured from the Ekonomys component backend - from there you can select/deselect the fields you want to show/hide.

All you have to do is add the symbol to the component from the component's symbols list, then insert the chart and content to the article as

{Ekonomys symbol='GOOG'}

Use the plain text editor to be sure you clear all HTML formatting when pasting the example into article.

See the full article and inserted financial details here

How do I add a link to quote details into articles ?

You can insert link to symbol financial details into Joomla articles by using the content plugin available in the Ekonomys extension

All you have to do is add the symbol to the Ekonomys symbols list, then insert following code to the article

{Ekonomys symbol='YHOO'|insert='link'}

The result of the above code will be Yahoo Inc. .

Use the plain text editor to be sure you clear all HTML formatting when pasting the example into article

See Can I insert stock quotes details into articles ? to read more about inserting the symbol financial information into article.

Ekonomys Quotes: Quick Start. Using the software

Enabling Ekonomys Quotes module

Go to Module Manager section (Joomla menu option Extensions » Module Manager). Locate Ekonomys Quotes module and publish (enable) it.

Note: Please make sure the selected Position of the module matches the used template; if the position is not used in your template then the module will not be shown, even though is published.

Start using Ekonomys Quotes

The default settings of the ticker will display 2 sample datasets as horizontal scroller.

To display a list of symbols instead of the scrolling information, one need to set – in the Ticker Options section of the configuration:

  • Display Style to Static

  • Ticker Orientation to Vertical

The result can be used on a side-column (left, right or such) to offer the user an extensive of quotes and information.

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